Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

And Then There Were Three.......

December 9th 2008 our lives changed forever. I had a doctors appointment Dec 8th and the doctor came in and told me my blood pressure was way too high so they kept me for awhile to watch my blood pressure and it never went down so she told me the only option to lower it was to have the baby. I thought she meant like in a few days or on the 19th like planned but no she meant that day!!! We got to the hospital around 2pm and we were going to induce labor. On Dec 9th at 12pm my doctor came in to tell me my blood pressure was still way too high and Olivia’s heart rate was dropping and she thought we needed to do a C-Section so we did and at 12:47pm Olivia was born. We heard her crying and they pulled her out and it was amazing how it felt to hear her after 9 months of waiting. We had to stay in the hospital for awhile because my blood pressure was still high but they sent us home and I’m on medication that should help. It has been the most amazing experience of my life. I understand now what they mean when they say you never know a love as great as the one you have for your child. She is such a gift in our life and we are so excited to watch her grow. Everyday is a new adventure but we wouldn’t want anything else. We appreciate all the love and support we received during this whole process. Let me know what you think of the pictures. I am sure I will have lots more to add so keep watching for more updates.

Josh – Breeze – Olivia

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I had a doctors appointment yesterday and I was told that Olivia could come any day now. The doctor doesn't think I will make it until the 19th!! So we had to get serious and get the bags packed and the car seat ready so that we can be prepared when the time does come! I am getting very excited and a little nervous, Josh on the other hand is scared to death =) I have been unable to get much sleep since I'm uncomfortable with this belly and Josh hasn't slept much either, we will be very tired parents when Olivia comes!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One Month!

Just a quick FYI...exactly one month before Olivia is suppose to be brought into this world!!!

Pictures from the shower!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Her room!

Finally an update (I know that's what your thinking!!!). I want to thank everyone so much who made our baby shower as special as it was. I can't tell you how much it meant to Josh and I to have all the love and support that we did. We are new at this "parent" thing but we are sure that with so many people around us we will do just fine!!! We are nearing the end of this 9-month adventure. Olivia is scheduled to be delivered Dec. 19th, although she may chose to come earlier!! We have almost completed her room, we still have to put up the border but we were so excited to set up her crib that we decided to finish the border later! Olivia is still very active and the doctor has told me several times that her heartbeat sounds healthy so we shouldn't worry. I can't wait to bring her home to all her cute new baby things! I hope everyone knows how much we really appreciate their love and support, we keep you all in our prayers.

Here are some pictures of her room!!!!!! Please ignore the date on these I forgot to set my camera!

This is a blanket a friend had made for me!

Haha, what he doesn't know can't hurt him!

Those monkeys are soooo cute!

This is a little dark but this is her room all put together!

Her very special picture! We love it so much and it means as much to us as it will to her one day!

Her changing table, I had Josh practice on a teddy bear first! He did a good job!

Her door!
Leave comments letting us know what you think!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

70 Days To Go!!

Whew, 70 days and counting!!! I have a doctors appointment today to see if I'm ok to return to work or not. Josh has started his new job in Longview and he is really enjoying it there. We are going to try to get Olivia's room painted this weekend, once her room gets put together I will be very happy!!! There isn't much to updated now but soon I will have many new things to post! We are getting closer to the arrival of our little girl and I couldn't be more ready!!!!!